Technical details:
Location / Date: Outside of Kopparberg, Västmanland, Sweden / 2017-August
Optics: Orion Optics UK AG12
Mount: 10 Micron GM1000 HPS (Unguided)
Camera: Atik One 6.0 with Astrodon 1,25" L-RGB Gen 2 E-Series Filterser
Exposure: L:36 x 240s, R: 5 x 240s, G:5 x 240s, B:5 x 240s
(cumulative exposure time is 3 hours and 24 minutes)
Processing: Pixinsight and Photoshop
Image details:
Cosmic clouds form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula IC 1805 (The Heart Nebula). The clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars
in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15. About 1.5 million years young, the cluster stars are toward the right in this image, along with dark dust clouds in silhouette against glowing atomic gas.
Melotte 15 is located about 7,500 light years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia. (Information from APOD)