Technical details:
Location / Date: Outside of Kopparberg, Västmanland, Sweden / 2018-September
Optics: Orion Optics UK AG12
Mount: 10 Micron GM1000 HPS (Unguided)
Camera: Atik One 6.0 with Astrodon 1,25" RGB Gen 2 E-Series and 5nm H-Alpha narrowband filters
Ha:48 x 300s bin1x1,
R:13 x 180s bin2x2,
G:14 x 180s bin2x2,
B:13 x 180s bin2x2
(cumulative exposure time is 6 hours)
Processing: Pixinsight and Photoshop
Image details:
NGC 6820 is a small reflection nebula near the open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula. The reflection nebula and cluster are embedded in a large faint emission nebula called Sh 2-86.
The whole area of nebulosity is often referred to as NGC 6820.M27, the Dumbbell Nebula, is found three degrees to the east, and α Vulpeculae three degrees to the west.
Open star cluster NGC 6823 is about 50 light years across and lies about 6000 light years away. The center of the cluster formed about two million years ago and is dominated in brightness by a host of bright young blue stars. Outer parts of the cluster contain even younger stars. It forms the core of the Vulpecula OB1 stellar association. (Information from Wikipedia)